AlwaysMouseWheel 是一款免切換即可用滾輪捲動非作用中視窗的免費軟體。當您同時開啟多個視窗時,往往需要在不同視窗之間切換以查看非作用中視窗的內容,既浪費時間又沒有效率,而這款軟體正好可以解決此一問題。它可將作用中視窗一直保持在最上面 (前景),同時讓您用滑鼠捲動背景中某個非作用中視窗,省去點按滑鼠切換視窗的重複動作,對工作效率的提升有一定的正面助益。
注意:程式啟動後為英文介面,請點擊視窗下方的 # LNG,然後點選「Traditional-Chinese 繁体中文」,即變成繁體中文介面。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2012/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
AlwaysMouseWheel 原文簡介:
The software is a small portable Windows program (Multilingual) that gives you the possibility when using the mouse wheel over any window (under the mouse pointer) to scroll via mouse wheel even if the window is not in the foreground e.g focussed.
– Brings the wheel window to the foreground.
– Send scroll commands to windows in the background
– [Alt + left mouse button] to move the windows by dragging
– [Alt + right mouse button] to change the windows size
– Volume control when the mouse wheel on the taskbar
The program does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop. It’s one small, portable utility for Windows PC-s and is also a small usb-stick friend.
這篇文章 AlwaysMouseWheel v4.21 繁體中文版 – 免切換即可用滾輪捲動非作用中視窗的免費軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。