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Wise System Monitor v1.5.1.125 繁體中文版 –簡單易用的系統監控工具


Wise System MonitorWise System Monitor 是一款簡單易用的系統監控工具,可監視所有執行中的程序、記憶體、CPU 及其他主要硬體的使用狀況、網路流量等等,讓您對那個程式使用多少記憶體 (RAM)、佔用多少 CPU 資源以及其他資訊一目了然。軟體的介面簡潔清爽,若不計只是提供參考性質的「作業系統」頁籤,整個介面只有兩個頁籤,一為「進程 (程序) 監控」、另一為「硬體監控」,除此之外,沒有任何多餘的設定或操作。

進程 (程序) 監控頁籤會清楚地顯示所有執行中的使用者程序和系統程序。尤有甚者,使用者可以即時檢查網路連線狀況及每個程序的上傳和下載速度。硬體監控頁籤則會顯示主要硬體元件的資訊,包括處理器 (CPU)、主機板、記憶體、顯示卡、硬碟、網路卡和音效卡。它也能偵測和顯示大多數重要硬體元件的即時溫度。

在這款免費軟體位於系統工作列的圖示上按滑鼠右鍵,點一下右鍵選單中的「顯示/隱藏浮動視窗」,可顯示或隱藏工作列上方的浮動視窗。浮動視窗會顯示上傳和下載速度、RAM 和 CPU 使用率以及主要硬體元件的溫度。您可以點擊相關的項目來檢查即時和詳細的資訊。

§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

Wise System Monitor 原文簡介:

The program is designed to offer you a simple way to monitor memory usage, CPU usage, all the processes running and main hardware component info of your PC. Since you know what is consuming your RAM and CPU, which part of your PC is overheated, you can deal with them accordingly to ensure your computer functionality.

The Process Monitor gives users a clear and neat list of all the processes run by user and system, alongside their CPU and memory consumption ratio and data transfer details. Users can shut down any process that is not needed to make the PC run more smoothly in the software interface. Better yet, users can check the real-time network connectivity and upload/download speed of each process.

Hardware Monitor displays the information of main hardware components like CPU, motherboard, RAM, Graphic card, hard drive disk, network card and sound card. Among the hardware specs, there is also the real-time temperature of four most prominent items of hardware: main board, CPU, graphic card and hard drive. Operating System displays accurate and detailed information of the windows system you are using.

這篇文章 Wise System Monitor v1.5.1.125 繁體中文版 – 簡單易用的系統監控工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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