Google Translate Desktop 是一款免費的翻譯軟體,簡單易用。它採用與 Google 線上翻譯服務 Google Translate 相同的基本架構,提供上百種語言互譯的功能,能偵測輸入的語言並監視系統剪貼簿。使用者亦可在瀏覽網頁時將不懂的字、片語、句子或段落複製後直接貼到程式視窗進行翻譯,馬上就可知道它們大概的意思,非常方便。此外,它也是一款在視聽上相當有用的語言教育工具。
這款免費翻譯軟體的介面分為左右兩個窗格,左窗格為來源語言、右窗格為目標語言;來源語言可由程式自動偵測,而目標語言須由使用者透過下拉式選單來選取。左窗格可輸入最多 5 千個字元,使用者亦可點擊視窗左上角的「Paste」圖示來貼上或匯入剪貼簿的內容。使用者亦可在選取特定的來源語言後再點擊左窗格左下角的麥克風圖示來進行語音輸入。再者,左窗格右下角還提供虛擬鍵盤或手寫輸入工具。點擊左右窗格的喇叭圖示則可聆聽發音。
右窗格除了提供「Copy translation」(複製翻譯) 功能,方便將譯文貼到其他應用程式外,亦可讓使用者透過電子郵件和推特與親友分享譯文。使用者可隨時點擊標題列左邊的「Refresh the page」圖示來更新頁面,讓程式回到左窗格為「DETECT LANGUAGE」(偵測語言) 而右窗格為「ENGLISH」(英文) 的預設狀態。另外,點擊左右窗格之間的箭頭圖示可切換來源語言和目標語言。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
Google Translate Desktop 原文簡介:
Autodetect the language, import and export text, and even get correct pronunciation
The program is a free language translator built on the same infrastructure as Google Translate, the online service. You can translate between languages, autodetect the language that is input, and monitor the clipboard right from your own system without having to search the internet.
The interface is easy to navigate. You simply browse a built-in list of languages to select the one you want for translate to. You can even copy words and sentences you don’t fully understand when you surf websites that have no translation provisions, and quickly translate them to your own language in the free language translator.
Input text up to 5000 characters in the left-hand panel or click the clipboard icon at left on the menu bar to import the clipboard contents. Input can also be accomplished by selecting the input language and clicking the voice input icon at the bottom left of the panel. In the right-hand panel, you can select the language you want to translate to, and your translation is displayed. The entire list of languages is available from either panel, the difference being that you can switch to automatic language detection in the left-hand panel. There is also a swap icon at center enabling you to swap languages.
這篇文章 Google Translate Desktop v1.93 – Google Translate 桌面版 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。