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GlassWire v2.1.158 繁體中文版 –內建防火牆的網路監控與安全工具


GlassWireGlassWire 是一款內建防火牆的網路監控與安全工具,可監控本機應用程式的網路連線狀態以及網路異常活動,並以圖形化介面、提供流量類型、應用程式及地理位置等資訊,讓您對現在和過去的網路活動一覽無遺,有如一部網路時光機。一旦發現可疑的網路活動或異常的網際網路行為,它會立即發出含有詳細資訊的提醒,讓您快速採取行動來保護電腦、隱私和資料,如以內建的防火牆來封鎖異常的網路活動。此外,它亦能監控並顯示遠端主機與本機應用程式的頻寬用量。

這款免費軟體會揭露已知威脅的主機、突如其來的網路系統檔案變更、異常的應用程式變更、DNS 變更等,並發出提醒。對於新安裝的應用程式或服務首次存取網際網路,它也會禮貌性地短暫發出提醒。若有異常的狀況發生,您馬上可用它的防火牆來加以封鎖。它的防火牆會披露您的所有網路活動,讓您可以輕易地瞭解電腦在背景中所做的事情,同時它也會顯示您的電腦現在和過去曾經連線過的主機,讓您對潛在的威脅一目了然,若有必要就將它們封鎖。


注意:程式啟動後為英文介面,請從視窗左上角的下拉式選單中選取 Language → 繁體中文,即變成繁體中文介面。

§ 作業系統:Windows 7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

GlassWire 原文簡介:

The program is a free network monitor & security tool with a built in firewall. It’s simple to use interface to view all your past and present network activity on a graph. Click the graph to see what applications initiated the incoming or outgoing bandwidth and instantly see what hosts the applications were communicating with. Hosts are automatically resolved and also include their country of origin.

It also has a toolbox of network security checks like system file change detection, device list change detection, app info change detection, ARP spoofing monitoring, and we’re just getting started. The software also alerts you if your computer or server is communicating with a known IP or domain threat.

Keeping track of your daily, weekly, or monthly bandwidth usage is easy with the program. Go to the usage tab to see what apps, traffic, or hosts are using the most bandwidth. See something strange? Click the icon of the app or traffic type to see more details about where your bandwidth was going along with any available geoip country IP information.

這篇文章 GlassWire v2.1.158 繁體中文版 – 內建防火牆的網路監控與安全工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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