VueMinder Lite USB 是一款免費但功能強大的日曆程式,免安裝,可從 USB 隨身碟執行。它自動跟 Google 日曆 (Google Calendar) 同步。您可在日曆中添加許多事件,如節日和假日、當地天氣、體育運動賽程表、宗教活動等等。
您也可建立自己的日曆,分為天、周、月來檢視。您可直接在 Windows 桌面上查看事件,即使離線亦可檢視。
VueMinder Lite USB 的主要功能如下:
- 一層層檢視多個日曆或以天、周、月來檢視多個日曆;
- 自訂事件;
- 訂閱網路日曆;
- 匯入 iCalendar (ics) 檔;
- 匯出為 iCalendar (ics) 檔;
- 可將每天、每周或每月的日曆列印出來;
- 使用設定精靈來快速啟動;
- 備份及復原資料;
- 複製、貼上、剪下及刪除事件;
- 自訂日曆介面;
- 檢視簡要的彈出式提醒;
- 彈出式提醒可包含聲音或影片;
- 檢視簡單的桌面警示;
- 使用全功能的文字編輯器或 HTML 來輸入事件說明;
- 將事件和任務標示為已完成;
- 檢視與 Windows 桌面整合的互動式日曆;
- 隱藏已完成的事件和任務;
- 快速瀏覽數個月的日曆;
- 搜尋事件。
註:使用本軟體須先安裝微軟 Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 或以上版本才能運作。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 繁體中文版檔案下載 (1.06MB)
VueMinder Lite USB 原文簡介:
VueMinder Lite USB is a free calendar program that can run from a USB stick – no installation required. It can auto-sync with Google Calendar. A calendar browser allows addition of many events, such as holidays, local weather, sport schedules, religious occasions, and much more.
You can also create your own calendars, which are overlaid into day, week, and month views. Events are also visible directly on the Windows desktop, even when offline!
View multiple calendars in layers and by day, week, or month.
Categorize events.
Import from iCalendar (ics) files.
Export to iCalendar (ics) files.
Print calendars using daily, weekly, and monthly layouts.
Backup and restore data.
Cut, copy, paste, and delete events.
Customize calendar appearances.
View simple popup reminders.
Popup reminders can contain music or videos.
Enter event descriptions using full-featured text editor or HTML.
Mark events and tasks as being completed.
View an interactive calendar that is integrated into the Windows desktop.
Hide completed events and tasks.
Search for events.
這篇文章 VueMinder Lite USB v2019.03 繁體中文版 – 功能強大的日曆程式 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。