Notation Player 是一款免費的樂譜播放軟體,可在歌曲播放時以樂譜格式顯示 MIDI 音樂 (.mid)、卡拉 OK (.kar) 或音符檔 (.not)。您可以下載 .mid 格式的歌曲,然後用這款軟體來開啟或直接拖放,它就會一個音符接一個音符地播放歌曲。這對想要學習新歌或練習樂器的人非常有用,因為他們可隨時用滑鼠點擊某一小節來重新播放。
- 以樂譜格式顯示 MIDI、卡拉 OK 和音符檔;
- 自動翻頁;
- 邊播放邊顯示音符;
- 添加調號和譜號;
- 內建網頁瀏覽器來協助使用者輕易且快速地找到及下載 MIDI 音樂檔。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
Notation Player 原文簡介:
The program allows you to display MIDI music (.mid, .kar, or .not) files in sheet music format as the song plays.
You can download your favorite songs in the .mid format for instance, and then open them in the program. This action will allow for a note by note playback, making it very useful for musicians attempting to learn a new song as you can mouse click within a measure to replay it.
Display MIDI, Karaoke, and .not files as sheet music
Watch the notes as they play
Add key signatures and clef symbols
Built-in Internet browser helps you to quickly and easily find and download MIDI files
這篇文章 Notation Player v3.1.3 – 免費的樂譜播放軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。