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Chrome Cleanup Tool v44.214.200 繁體中文版 – Chrome 問題及惡意外掛清理工具


Chrome Cleanup ToolChrome Cleanup Tool 是 Google 官方為其 Chrome 瀏覽器所推出的一款問題及惡意外掛 (擴充元件) 清理工具。這一工具會掃描並清除可能導致 Chrome 發生異常的外掛程式。您所安裝的外掛程式有時可能會在您不知情的情況下擅自更改 Chrome 設定。如果您的 Chrome 設定遭到竄改或發生其他問題,這款免費軟體掃瞄後會跳出重設視窗,上面寫著「這項功能會重設您的起始網頁、新分頁、搜尋引擎和固定分頁,同時停用所有擴充功能 ….。」至於是否重設 Chrome 的設定,由您自己決定!

這款清理工具免安裝,一啟動就會開始掃描可疑的惡意外掛程式。它提供使用者一個簡單的方法來重置設定及移除導致 Chrome 異常的程式。但它無法搜尋所有類型的病毒及惡意程式,所以對於那些更具侵略性和破壞性的病毒及惡意程式,使用者可能須尋求聲譽比較好的防毒軟體來清理系統。

§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

Chrome Cleanup Tool 原文簡介:

If you notice changes in the settings of your Chrome browser, you can use this small utility to help you identify the issue and correct it. Created by Google itself, the program will scan and remove software that may cause problems with Chrome. The utility does not require installation and starts looking for suspicious programs as soon as you launch it. Once it completes the scan for any problem causing software, it will attempt to further prevent crashes or other problems by asking you to reset your browser.

The program is an attempt to enhance the browsing experience of Chrome users, providing them with a simple method to factory reset the settings and remove programs that cause trouble to the browser. More aggressive malware might be impossible to remove or detect, so you might need a reputable antivirus solution to clean the system.

Note that this utility is not designed to search for all types of viruses and malware components, but only those that cause issues with Google Chrome.

這篇文章 Chrome Cleanup Tool v44.214.200 繁體中文版 – Chrome 問題及惡意外掛清理工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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