DesktopOK 是一款小巧易用的可攜式免費軟體,可讓您儲存及恢復桌面圖示排列。您可先將桌面圖示重新排列成自己喜歡的樣子之後再做儲存的動作。每種螢幕解析度的桌面圖示排列皆可個別儲存,亦即可儲存多個圖示排列。此外,這款免費軟體亦能自動隱藏和顯示桌面圖示。
注意:程式啟動後為簡體中文介面,請從視窗左下角的語言 (國旗圖示) 下拉式選單中選取 Chinese Traditional,即變成繁體中文介面。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2012/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
DesktopOK 原文簡介:
The program is a small but effective solution for users that have to change the screen resolution often. It is also good for windows users who often have to work with a projector on the notebook or laptop or tablet-pc.
After you change the screen resolution you can find an icon chaos on the windows desktop, as if a bomb had hit it.
The icon position will shift and Windows will not correctly restore the desktop icon position.
The program has also other helpful functions, and you can find this in the Main-Menu, Tools.
Save your favorite icon locations for each screen resolution
Easily minimize all of the windows on your screen
Launch at Windows startup
Each user can then have their own arrangement
Autosave the desktop Icon Layout
Maximize the number of windows desktop icon
Change Windows desktop icon size
Minimize to tray area for easy access.
Automatically hide and display desktop icons
這篇文章 DesktopOK v6.51 繁體中文版 – 儲存及恢復桌面圖示排列的免費軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。