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PDF Replacer v1.1.0 繁體中文版 –批次替換 PDF 文件中的文字的免費軟體


PDF ReplacerPDF Replacer 是一款可批次查找並替換 PDF 文件中的文字的免費軟體,支援包括繁體中文在內的多國語言,而且支援有保護的 PDF 文件。您可以針對多個 PDF 檔或單一 PDF 檔的整份文件或某些特定頁面批次替換單字、片語、成語、整句、整段或整頁的文字,甚至可以改變字體、強制加粗、強制斜體、強制劃底線、強制劃刪除線等,但版面維持不變。

這款免費軟體介面直覺、簡單易用,支援拖放功能。您可以將要替換文字的 PDF 檔拖放到程式視窗或者從功能選單添加文件、開啟要替換文字的 PDF 檔,然後在視窗中間位置的「查找文字」欄位中輸入要查找的文字,接著在「替換為」欄位中輸入要替換的文字。您可以重複多次相同的動作,或一次完成所有的查找與替換。若要刪除某文字,那麼就在「查找文字」欄位輸入該文字,而「替換為」欄位則保持空白。

不過,要注意的是,免費版限制每個 PDF 檔只能替換 100 頁,若超過這數目,頁面會被加上浮水印。

§ 作業系統:Windows 7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

PDF Replacer 原文簡介:

The software is a Windows program that can find a specified word or phrase text in PDF Files and replace with new text, and keep the PDF layout unchanged.

You can batch replace words, phrases, and sentences as well as change fonts, typefaces and text decorations, whether on individual pages or throughout the document. You can even replace multiple words or phrases at the same time and bulk perform replacements in multiple files.

The software enables you to:

Find and replace text in PDF files
Maintain the layout of the file
Replace an entire range of pages
Change the font & text decoration
Batch replace multiple words
Batch replace words in multiple files

The program is a valuable addition to your system if you often have the need to find and replace text in PDF files. It is compatible with all recent versions of Windows and has language support for more than 50 languages in addition to English, German and French.

Note: The free version is limited to 100 pages per file. A watermark will be placed on pages if the number exceeds 100.

這篇文章 PDF Replacer v1.1.0 繁體中文版 – 批次替換 PDF 文件中的文字的免費軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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