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DesktopNoteOK v1.33 繁體中文版 –免費的桌面便利貼軟體


DesktopNoteOKDesktopNoteOK 是一款免費的桌面便利貼 (便箋) 軟體,可讓使用者隨意在桌面快速製作便利貼,並在其上輸入會議、生日、工作及其他重要或緊急事項的提醒。這款軟體介面親和、簡單易用,提供多種便利貼主題供使用者選擇。此外,使用者還可變更或自訂便利貼的背景和文字顏色、字型以及便利貼的尺寸大小等。

注意:程式啟動後為英文介面,請從功能選單的 Language 下拉式選單中選取 Chinese-Traditional 正體中文,即變成繁體中文介面。

§ 作業系統:Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2012/8/10

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

DesktopNoteOK 原文簡介:

For quick creation of desktop notes on the Windows desktop, with beautiful random options and various customization options.

The desktop notes were created on user’s request, mainly because of Windows 10, here it is only available through MS Store. In terms of privacy, users are skeptical here and demanded of me a pure desktop tool. As a portable and / or installable version!
Key features in the desktop notes program

◆ Multiple themes for desktop notes
◆ Random background and text color
◆ Optional transparency of desktop notes
◆ Changeable in size
◆ Custom background color

Other possibilities and specifications
◆ Very small program
◆ Low CPU usage
◆ Optional translation function
◆ Portable
◆ Multilingual

這篇文章 DesktopNoteOK v1.33 繁體中文版 – 免費的桌面便利貼軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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