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NewFileTime v3.71 繁體中文版 –批次修改檔案建立、修改及存取日期的免費軟體


NewFileTimeNewFileTime 是一款可批次修改檔案和資料夾建立、(最後) 修改及 (最後) 存取日期和時間的免費軟體。這款免安裝的實用工具簡單易用,首先以匯入 (import) 方式或拖放方式將要修改日期和時間的檔案和資料夾新增至的視窗中,接著修改檔案和資料夾的日期和時間,您可將它們調整為同一日期和時間,亦可分別設定日期和時間,最後按下「套用時間」按鈕即大功告成。

注意:NewFileTime 啟動後為英文介面,請從程式視窗右上角的 LNG 下拉式選單中選取「Traditional-Chinese 繁體中文」,即變成繁體中文介面。

§ 作業系統:Windows ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

NewFileTime 原文簡介:

NewFileTime is a small portable but effective tool that provides you easy access to correct or manipulate any of the timestamps for any file and folder on your Windows system.

Several files and/or folders can be modified at the same time. You can add files simply via Drag and Drop or by import from a folder. In any case, it opens in different ways to bring you quickly to the job at hand. You can make files proportionally younger or older, or you can set a specific date/time.

With this utility everyone can have the ability to make quick corrections to the creation, last access and modification dates/times of the files or folders on their PC. NewFileTime does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop. Portable use is also possible.

這篇文章 NewFileTime v3.71 繁體中文版 – 批次修改檔案建立、修改及存取日期的免費軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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