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Glary Disk Cleaner v5.0.1.181 繁體中文版 –免費的磁碟清理工具


Glary Disk CleanerGlary Disk Cleaner 是一款免費的磁碟清理工具,介面親和直覺、簡單易用,即使是生手,只要按幾下滑鼠,即可完成清理的工作,讓硬碟多出好幾 GB 的可用空間。


程式安裝後每次啟動都會自動進行掃描,並且顯示可刪除的垃圾檔案數量以及刪除這些檔案後可取回的空間大小,您只要按下「Start Cleaning」(開始清理) 按鈕即可開始刪除這些不想要的檔案。清理完成後,您可點擊「View History」來查看清理記錄。

§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

Glary Disk Cleaner 原文簡介:

Glary Disk Cleaner was designed to be as simple as possible in use. Even a novice can perform it by just several clicks.

Using professional rapid scanning kernel, the program can very quickly scan all the junk files on your disk.

You can find and remove the junk of Windows and applications, browsing traces, and it doesn’t remove any files necessary for you.

Main Feature

Custom Cleanup Support

In order to better serve customers, we provide many custom options to allow users to clean up temporary files types that not included in the program.

Ignore List Support

Support ignore list, allowing users to exclude some files those they do not want to be deleted.

Clean Up History at A Glance

After the clean-up is complete, you can view the clean-up history information at a glance.

這篇文章 Glary Disk Cleaner v5.0.1.181 繁體中文版 – 免費的磁碟清理工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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