OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster) 是一款免費且開放原始碼的錄影與 (串流) 直播軟體,跨平台,支援 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 作業系統。這款軟體提供許多功能且支援多個直播平台,包括 YouTube、DailyMotion、Twitch、CyberGame、CashPlay、Hitbox、Facebook Live 和 iNSTAGIB.tv.。您可以完全控制整個錄影和直播過程、且可在播放影片之前先行預覽。
使用者可以使用不限數量的來源和場景,包括文字、幻燈片、甚至在桌面執行的應用程式等。這款軟體與各種支援 DirectShow 影像擷取的裝置相容,如影像擷取卡 (Capture Card) 和網路攝影機。它也支援 Intel Quick Sync 和 NVENC。它亦可讓您擷取和直播高品質的遊戲畫面。您可以調整畫質及其他 (串流) 直播選項來配合自己的偏好。再者,您可以調整您的來源在螢幕上的位置並改變它們的順序 (排序)。
軟體所提供的功能大多可在「設定」中找到。點擊功能選單的「檔案 (F)」→「設定 (S)」或點擊視窗右下方的「設定」按鈕,即可進入設定畫面,對 (串流) 直播、輸出、音效、影像等做相關的設定。它甚至提供暗色和淡色佈景主題供使用者選擇。這些設定選項功能強大但卻很容易操作。
§ 作業系統:Windows 7/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
OBS Studio 原文簡介:
The software is a handy program for anyone interested in either recording and saving videos locally or streaming live content on the Internet. The free and open-source program provides many features and supports several streaming services, including YouTube, DailyMotion, Twitch, CyberGame, CashPlay, Hitbox and iNSTAGIB.tv.
You can use unlimited number of sources and scenes, including texts, image slideshows and even applications running on the desktop. The program is compatible with different devices supporting DirectShow capture, such as capture cards and webcams. It also supports Intel Quick Sync and NVENC.
It features high-performance real-time video/audio capturing and mixing, with unlimited scenes you can switch between seamlessly via custom transitions. Filters for video sources are available including image masking, color correction, chroma/color keying, an intuitive audio mixer with filter functions such as noise gate, noise suppression, and gain can improve the quality.
There are a ton of easy to use configuration options. You can add new sources, duplicate existing ones, and adjust their properties easily. It also includes a streamlined settings panel for quick configuration of your broadcasts and recordings. It even has light and dark themes available to suit your taste.
這篇文章 OBS Studio v24.0 繁體中文版 – 開放原始碼的錄影與直播軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。