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PDF-XChange Editor v8.0.334.0 繁體中文版 – PDF 編輯與閱讀軟體


PDF-XChange EditorPDF-XChange Editor 是一款具有 OCR (光學字元辨識) 功能的 PDF 編輯與閱讀軟體,可讓使用者建立、檢視 (閱讀)、編輯、註解、OCR 及數位簽名 PDF 檔,不僅功能強大又多元,而且執行速度亦相當快。這款軟體的大部分功能都是免費的,僅約 15% 的進階功能需要付費。若使用這些進階功能,PDF 文件上將會被加上浮水印。

這款軟體可使用掃描的文件、圖片、文字檔及其他許多檔案來產生或建立 PDF 檔。它亦可用來開啟、編輯與轉換 Microsoft Office 文件。它提供超過三十種工具來輔助使用者建立文件的評論、註解及連結。這款自訂性高、功能親和且多元的軟體足以滿足大多數使用者的需求,包括初學者和專業人員。

§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

PDF-XChange Editor 原文簡介:

The program is probably the smallest, fastest, most feature-rich PDF software available. Create, view, edit, annotate, OCR and sign PDF files – and that’s just the beginning. If you work with PDF then this fully-customizable product will optimize your work process to levels that no other product can achieve.

It can be used to create PDF files from scanned documents, images, text files, Markdown files and much more. This software can also be used to open, edit and convert Microsoft Office documents – a feature that many PDF applications do not offer. There are over thirty tools available to assist in the creation of document comments, annotations and links. These tools make editing PDFs a finely-tuned, precise process that produces documentation and image files of the highest quality. Our user-friendly functionality is diverse enough to meet the needs of all practitioners from novices to professionals. Please see below for an extensive list of available features and functionality.

這篇文章 PDF-XChange Editor v8.0.334.0 繁體中文版 – PDF 編輯與閱讀軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家

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