Auslogics Registry Defrag 是一款免費的登錄檔重組工具。由於 Windows 作業系統及應用程式一秒鐘存取登錄檔的次數高達數百次之多,當登錄檔存取速度變慢時,電腦的執行速度也跟著越來越慢。這款軟體藉由重組登錄檔、移除登錄檔的碎片空隙、使其緊密相連來提升登錄檔存取速度,進而大幅提升電腦的執行速度。
這款軟體採用新的登錄檔重組演算法來修復登錄檔的大多數問題並提供登錄檔最高的存取速度和穩定度。但它簡單易用,即使是新手也能利用它來加快登錄檔的存取速度並使登錄檔最佳化。它以圖形介面來呈現登錄檔的碎片區域以及重組後登錄檔的樣貌。程式還會顯示一份 HTML 報告,詳載重組過程的各項資訊。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
Auslogics Registry Defrag 原文簡介:
The program can significantly speed up your computer by helping you to defragment the Registry, remove gaps and make it contiguous, smaller and faster to access.
Even a novice user can easily speed up and optimize the Registry with this program. It provides stunning visual representation of the fragmented areas in your Registry and what the Registry looks like after defragmentation. Upon defragmenting the Registry on your computer, the program will display an HTML report with comprehensive details about the defragmentation process.
The program is free of charge and is 100% XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10 compatible. New Registry defragmentation algorithms used in Registry Defrag fix most Registry problems and provide maximum Registry speed and stability.
這篇文章 Auslogics Registry Defrag v12.2.0.2 – 免費的登錄檔重組工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。