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UltraVNC v1.2.0.5 –功能強大、操作簡單的遠端遙控軟體


UltraVNCUltraVNC 是一款功能強大、操作簡單的免費遠端遙控軟體,它可讓您透過網際網路和區域網路在自己的螢幕上顯示另一部電腦,並允許您利用自己的滑鼠和鍵盤來遙控其他電腦。這意謂您可以像坐在自己的電腦前面一樣在遠端的電腦上工作。

如果您要提供電腦支援,您可以從世界任何地方存取客戶的電腦,遠端解決客戶的問題,讓您的客戶不必事先安裝軟體或執行複雜的程序就能獲得支援。這款軟體也可讓您透過 TCP/IP 通訊協定來連線控制遠端的電腦。只要在遠端電腦上安裝本軟體所附的伺服器版,您便可以在網路上任何電腦上使用本軟體所附的 VNC 檢視器軟體來連線控制該遠端的電腦,即使沒有 VNC 檢視器軟體,仍可透過瀏覽器 (需支援 Java 功能) 來遙控此遠端電腦。

此外,UltraVNC 可讓您傳送檔案、多人同時連線、安裝視訊外掛 Video Hook driver for Windows 2000 / XP 來使畫面顯示更加快速及清晰。

§ 作業系統:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8

§ 軟體螢幕截圖 (Screenshot)

§ 官方網站下載頁面

§ 檔案下載

UltraVNC 原文簡介:

UltraVNC is an easy to use computer program that can display a screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your screen. It will allow users you to use their mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location.

If you provide computer support, you can easy access your customer’s computers from anywhere in the world and resolve helpdesk issues remotely! Your customers don’t have to pre-install software or execute complex procedures to get remote helpdesk support.

The software also allows you to remotely control a computer over any TCP/IP connection. It emulates the destination computer to make it look as if you were in front of it.

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