evasi0n7 是「越獄團隊」evad3rs 所發表的 iOS 7 越獄工具,讓 iPhone 5s 與 iPad Air 的使用者喜出望外!現在使用最新蘋果產品的人也可以擁有更高的系統使用權限、安裝通話錄音等第三方軟體。
iOS 7 於 2013 年 9 月 18 日推出,納入了許多過去必須越獄破解才能獲得的功能,但對渴望完全掌控系統的玩家來說,獲得 Root 許可權 (即對所有檔案與程式擁有一切許可權) 的越獄還是讓他們朝思暮想。
越獄之前請務必使用 iTunes 進行備份,然後將自動鎖定與 SIM 卡 PIN 碼功能解除,才不會干擾工具的運行,接著下載 evasi0n7 並記得關閉 iTunes。當 JailBreak 按鈕燈亮起時,代表符合越獄資格,點即下去即可開始越獄,整個過程約需 5 分鐘。
必須注意的是,由於 evad3rs 已經關閉太極助手的安裝,現在進行越獄可以不用先更改語系。
支援的版本:7.0 – 7.0.6
支援的硬體:iPhone (iPhone 3GS 除外)、iPad、iPod。
§ 檔案下載
evasi0n7 原文簡介:
evasi0n7 is an untethered jailbreak for all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.x.
- Backup your device using iTunes (or iCloud) before using evasi0n. If something breaks, you´ll always be able to recover your data.
- Those who use backup passwords in iTunes must disable them for now. After doing so, iTunes makes a brand new backup. Please wait for that backup to complete before proceeding! Feel free to re-enable your backup password after jailbreaking.
- Please disable the lock passcode of your iOS device before using evasi0n. It can cause issues.
- Launch evasi0n, plug in your device, and click “Jailbreak". Just sit back and observe its progress. Watch for any steps you may be asked to perform.
- Avoid all iOS and iTunes related tasks until evasi0n is complete. Why not just enjoy a brief break from the computer to stretch your legs?
- If the process gets stuck somewhere, it´s safe to restart the program, reboot the device (if necessary by holding down Power and Home until it shuts down), and rerun the process.
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