WinToFlash 是一款可讓您用 USB 重灌電腦的免費軟體。長久以來,我們都是用 Windows 安裝光碟來安裝系統。然而,現在許多筆記型電腦都已經不附光碟機了,或許有一天光碟機會跟現在 5.25 吋軟碟機一樣鳳毛麟角,難以找到。果真如此,那麼屆時該用什麼媒介來安裝電腦的作業系統呢?
WinToFlash 為有這麼一天做了未雨綢繆,它可製作可開機的 USB 並將 Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8 安裝光碟的內容轉移到 USB 裝置,讓隨身碟、外接硬碟等 USB 裝置取代光碟片,輕易地將 Windows 作業系統安裝到桌機或筆電。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
WinToFlash 原文簡介:
The program helps you to create bootable USB and pull over the contents of a Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 installation disk and prep the USB drive to become a replacement for the optical drive. This is about you can install your Windows from flash drive or card, HDD, etc. to your computer or netbook.
And this is not all it can do. The program can transfer your live CD or DVD to bootable USB card, for example, BartPE. After all you can erase your USB media and format it with Windows for everyday use.