Pixia 是一款免費的繪圖工具與全彩影像處理軟體,由日本人所開發,是一款享有高知名度且深受歡迎的軟體,支援濾鏡、遮罩、圖層及其他許多影像處理功能,如可以自訂筆刷。但功能強大的 Pixia,其使用介面卻相當親和,很容易上手!
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
Pixia 原文簡介:
Pixia is the English version of a popular Japanese painting and retouch software for full color graphics.
It supports mask, layer and many other editing functions. You can use your own customized brush tips and even use an image file as a brush tip to create unique effects.
Its user-friendly interface is suitable for beginners as well as experts. The software supports the most common editing techniques and presents a user friendly interface.
The original Japanese Edition of the program was created and developed by the author, Isao Maruoka, but has also been aggressively raised by its fans, which makes this software quite unique and different from other tools.
這篇文章 Pixia v6.50f x86 / 6.50e x64 – 免費的繪圖工具與影像處理軟體 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。