TweakPower 是一款功能強大的電腦優化工具,還提供電腦常見問題的修復功能。它將主要功能項目臚列在視窗左側,包括清理、系統、硬碟,優化、智慧型微調等等。點擊某個項目就可在視窗右側看到各該項目所提供的所有功能。此一功能清單最頂端的項目為「儀表板」(Dashboard),您可由此查看系統資訊、安全設定、硬碟是否健康。至於視窗左側最下面的「選項」(Options),則可讓您做其他設定或執行其他功能,如將本工具加入右鍵選單。
清理項目包括瀏覽器清理、系統清理、外掛清理以及登錄檔清理等功能。您可按下「Analyze Now」(現在分析) 按鈕來找出相關的問題。您亦可選擇不分析其中某個或某些項目,只要將其預設的 Enabled 切換為 Disabled 即可。
至於優化設定,則可讓 Windows 縮短關機時間、縮短當掉程式的等待時間並可使磁碟加速、系統加速及 SSD 加速等。再者,這一軟體也提供登錄檔搜尋、備份、復原與重組以及事件檢視器等功能。
§ 作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32 & 64 位元)
§ 官方網站下載頁面
§ 檔案下載
TweakPower 原文簡介:
The program is an all-in-one suite that has been designed to keep you and all your family’s computers running at optimal speed and efficiency. It is an intelligent software tool that allows users to fine-tune their operating systems and programs for optimum performance.
The program protects users from PC problems, while increasing the performance and security of their computer. It includes advanced performance optimizers, helping you achieve super-fast application load times, work faster and make your games run smoother. Now it’s easier than ever to get a clean PC.
The program can quickly remove Windows, program and browser clutter while refreshing your registry and deleting massive disk space hogs. Also, its easy-to-use wizards and diagnostic tools help you find vulnerabilities and errors on your computer. Also included is a Windows Repair Section to fix a large majority of known Windows problems.
這篇文章 TweakPower v1.062 – 功能強大的電腦優化工具 最早出現於 免費軟體之家。